Skull is the symbol of death. Art, fashion and style are the product of the longevity of our civilization. Skull as an object of art is quite contradictory, and this reminds us of death and that the life goes on since despite each of us is mortal the death of one person means nothing for the whole humanity. We study the experience accumulated by our ancestors, their colclusions, the experience of past crises and wars. We have become one step closer to death, and now it is getting clearer.
And now we are flirting with her, joking, showing each other that this is not the end. It is unlikely that we will learn something new about death within the framework of our life, those who have been there will no longer tell the living how it really is, so everything is just a theory. You cross the border of another country without the right to return to your homeland. The only thing we can influence is our attitude to death. I am pleased to think that my loved ones, who are no longer with me, just changed their spacesuit.